Hi! I'm Jamie! I make stuff!!
I'm currently working on a game called Staraway!
(You might also know me as Greenpixel.)

Bluesky Youtube Bandcamp Itch.io Stuff I Like Art jamiestarling on discord


A work-in-progress short 3D narrative adventure game about finding your way home in a weird little universe. Currently being developed solo in Unity!

Wishlist on Steam!

Chasing Myself Out the Window

A 50 minute long album of electronic and ambient music.

Spotify Youtube Music Apple Music

Delayed Trickshot

A puzzle-y physics web game, originating from a Ludum Dare entry that placed 7th overall in its category.

Itch.io Bandcamp Soundtrack Original Jam Entry

Projects I contributed to...

Astral Codec (Outer Wilds mod)

I created the majority of the 3D art and music!

Mod Page Launch trailer (yt) Soundtrack (yt)